So yesterday I turned 22! *insert Taylor Swift lyrics here*.
When I had a bit of me time yesterday, it hit me. Like, shit i'm actually 22 today. I don't like birthdays normally. I don't like it all being about me, I always find it super awks. I feel like I have been through a fair bit in these 22 years I have been alive. I thought I would sit down and write about 22 things I have learnt in 22 years.
1. You WILL get over that first love of your life. Christ, I was heartbroken when my first ever boyfriend broke up with me and I never thought I'd get over it. Pretty much thought that it was the end of the world. Don't worry past me, you're now fine and you got through it. Sure you may think about them sometimes but not like your life depends on them anymore. It's all good.
2. Not going to university was the right decision. I knew from the start that I didn't really want to go to uni. But of course when all of your friends start talking about it you feel that instant peer pressure. I haven't gone to uni and I am free of thousands of pounds worth of debt and I'm doing the job that I've always wanted to do. Snaps for me. I would make an exception for Hogwarts though.
3. Buy that top. There is nothing worse than realllllly loving an item of clothing in a shop, then saying to yourself "I'll get it next time". Then you go back to the shop and it's not there. Everyone I think is guilty of this. Just buy it. You know you want it. Clothes make me happy, so don't deny yourself of happiness.
4. If you can't decide between two puddings, order both. I made my friend pretty much cry with laughter when we went out for a meal and I couldn't decide between two puddings, so I ordered both. Obviously don't do this all the time as it's not great for you and you may run out of money pretty fast. I now live by the rule though if I genuinely really can't choose (not just puddings, but other things too) get both.
5. It doesn't matter that you only have two best friends. I used to see groups of girls who are all best friends and be really jealous.They'd all be really close an do everything together. Now, I'm pretty chuffed that I have the same best friends who I know are always there for me, even though we don't live in each others pockets. Quality over quantity.
6. Some days you don't want to get dressed and just be smelly and lazy. That's okay. I've found that some days you just have to sit down all day, not shower and stay in your pjs. Also eat all the food you have in your house. Everyone needs them sometimes to re-cooperate themselves. I don't feel guilty taking these days anymore.
7. Book that holiday. I can umm and ahh about a holiday or a trip for ages. Now, I will book it without thinking too much into it. As long as I have the money to pay for it and the time off work, that's all I need. The memories you make on the trip are worth so much more than the worrying. Holidays are so much more fun than staying at home anyway. And besides, when you're married with 3 kids it's going to be alot harder to drop everything and book a holiday.
8. Don't worry about money. Kind of linking from the last point. As long as you have enough money in that moment to do what you want to do then that's fine. I put away savings every month for some kind of stability. Money doesn't go with you, so don't get super stressed about it. It definitely doesn't define you. Its only a bit of paper with the Queen's mug on it.
10. If someone you don't like that much is still in your life, get rid. I don't mean murder them. Just don't associate yourself with them any more. It will make your life so much more stress free.
11. Always appreciate your family. I lost my Nan in 2014 and it was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with. It made me realise that your crazy family aren't going to be around forever. So make the most of them.
12. Speaking of family, your mum will always be right. My mum knows me best and now I've come to terms with the fact that she is always right. At 13 it was annoying as hell, but now just see it as a positive.
13. Exercise. It makes you feel a million times better about yourself. I get such a buzz after a good workout. Even if its a short walk or an hour on the cross trainer, it's something more than sitting on your arse. Make no excuses.
14. Do what makes you happy. Others may look in and think you're a bit weird. Fuck them. Any money them people have really strange hobbies or habits, so ignore them. Think of you.
15. Sleep is everything. After a good night sleep I feel like I can conquer the world. Go to bed that bit earlier, or take that nap that you really need. It's not going to hurt.
16. Keep your living space nice and tidy. I feel amazing when I walk into a clean and tidy flat. It's one less thing to worry about. Tidy house, tidy mind. It's also handy when someone decides to pop round last minute and you haven't got to panic that your house is a state.
17. Treat yourself sometimes. I'm a bugger for always buying other people presents and then feeling guilty when it comes to getting myself something. Now if I need a treat I try not to think about it and buy it (within reason though I'm not made of money).
18. Stop comparing yourself to other people. This is a big one. I ALWAYS compare myself. It's so bad. Everyone else is on a different path. Just think that other people may be comparing themselves to you, and you don't even know it.
19. People may not like you, stop trying to impress them. I went through a phase of wanting everyone to like me. Now I know that this just isn't possible. People will not like you no matter how hard you try, so focus your energy on people who do actually love you. Not the haterz.
20. Tip. After working in the restaurant industry for nearly 5 years now, I appreciate a good tip after working my ass off. It's not an easy job and trying to go the extra mile for someone and getting a reward makes you feel appreciated. I always tip if I get good service, whether it's a hairdresser or a waitress. They don't have to be nice to you.
21. It's okay to spend £60 on Lush products a month. Some people my age go out drinking every weekend and spend that in one night. Me? I'd rather have a long bath with some nice products, and that's okay too. Bubble bars are life.
22. IT'S ALL GOING TO BE OKAY. Life is full of ups and downs but you will always come out the other end okay. Take every day as it comes. If you need to cry then have a good cry, and if you're super happy then whack a smile on that face. Just remember you're doing okay, even thought this shit is seriously confusing.
Here's to another 22 years!
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